June 9, 2010
by heather
1 Comment

Art Lesson

Sobbing, four year old Daughter stared defiantly back at me.


“Yogurt,” she choked.


“No!” I said for the third time.


Exactly why I chose to dig in my heels over her third yogurt is one of the great Mommy Mysteries. Sometimes, we aren’t capable of choosing our battles. They choose us.


Daughter, however, inherited not only the color of my eyes and my odd penchant for launching into one of a few alternate characters at any moment, but also my own particular strain of stubbornness. She can dig in her heels with equal gusto. The result? At times I resort to childish behavior to break the cycle.


Hence, when she wouldn’t budge and hand over the yogurt, I grabbed it from her tightly clenched fingers and pulled it away.


(You can decide who was acting more like a four year old at this point.)

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May 24, 2010
by heather

Two Points


Six year old Son loves sports. LOVES them. Baseball, football, soccer. He loves watching them on TV. And he especially loves playing them. But basketball is his favorite. It runs in the family. Husband is six feet, six inches tall and basketball is in his blood. Son’s too.


Not mine. I’m more of the hiking, rollerblading, cycling, long walks type of athlete. I think I could run to the end of my street. Maybe.


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April 20, 2010
by heather

Teaching Kids to Sleep Through the Night


Four months ago, we were at our wits end. Daughter, who was at the tail end of three years old, wouldn’t stay in her bed all night. She’d come into our room, beg to sleep with us, then beg for us to sleep with her. We’d sleepily say no, then do whatever was necessary to get us all back to sleep. That usually meant sleeping with her for awhile – several times. After all, once you crawl into their beds, kids notice when you get up to go back to your own. They wake up. And it starts all over again.


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April 5, 2010
by heather

Pack Mom


He ran ahead of me on the trail, his ears flopping back and forth and his nose pressed down to the ground. Puppy, our 3 ½ month old Golden Retriever, was beginning to fulfill my dream as a hiking companion – among all my other hopes and wishes for him to fulfill as our first dog. (No, his name is not really Puppy but in the spirit of what I call the rest of my family on this blog, he’ll be Puppy, for now.)


We’ve spent the last three weeks since he came home with us getting to know each other. Me, establishing my role as Pack Mom. He, displaying his puppy personality: Pretty mellow, loves to chew, adores a belly rub, and will cop a sit on the sofa faster than I can say, “Don’t even think about it!”

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March 25, 2010
by heather

Boy Talk


Son arrived home from school two days ago and a short while into our afternoon he said,


“Friend is getting me a DS. His Dad can get one for $10.”


Son hasn’t yet expressed interest in this handheld gaming system and I’ve been relieved yet waiting for when it would come up.


“Okay,” I replied evenly. “I didn’t know you even wanted a DS.”


“Well, Friend’s Dad can get me one for $10.”


Now, I have no idea how much these things cost but they probably go for a bit more than $10 and I know for sure that Friend’s Dad’s profession is nowhere near the gaming business. Friend is more of an Acquaintance Friend (as opposed to a Close Friend) and I don’t know the parents well so it was hard to tell what the two had conjured up. It sounded a little fishy and like harmless boy talk.

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March 9, 2010
by heather

Birthday Party Hubby




It was 11 p.m. and Husband pushed the gazillionth mini-marshmallow into the frosting on the side of the mammoth butterfly cake. He was smiling. Finally.


Two hours earlier I had pushed two sheet cakes towards him and said, “We need to turn these into a butterfly cake for Sophie’s party tomorrow.”


He was exhausted after a long day with the kids. I was exhausted. But the butterfly party was the next day, at our house, and I had committed to a butterfly cake. Husband’s an artist. He can do it!

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February 15, 2010
by heather

Type A Snow Day


Last week with a snow day looming, I thought of all the To Dos we could accomplish while home all day. Make all the Valentines (two classes) for Friday! Write overdue Thank you notes from Son’s birthday party! Practice karate combinations! Watch a movie! Watch another movie! And so on.


When we woke up to fluffy flakes falling from the sky, I thought of the long hours of indoor activities stretched out before us. Maybe some structure would help ward off the whining and fights I knew would come by midday.


“Let’s make a list for our day!” I suggested as if this was an activity in itself.

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January 28, 2010
by heather

Bad Day on the Mommy Job

In my former corporate job, a bad day meant revenue was off, every email I read was another roadblock, I had too many meetings and no time to go pee or eat lunch, or a meeting was a major waste of time. But nobody called me the meanest mommy ever! Nobody pitched a fit – well, a few people did from time to time – but they never cried. Never kicked.

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January 19, 2010
by heather

From Mom to Parent



My sister-in-law recently commented that she feels she’s made the transition from mothering to parenting. Her three kids are now ages five to ten and she said she finds herself needing less to do things for them (bathing, dressing, wiping butts) and more to guide them. She gets the tough questions at the dinner table and her new challenge is to explain important life lessons.

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