Monster Moms Like Us





Okay, so let me confess that I’ve never watched “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” But when the US Weekly cover at the CVS counter screamed “Kate Gosselin: Mom to Monster” I had to pick it up. I’ll also confess that I didn’t read the entire story – just flipped to the pictures and read a few captions and callout quotes. Like something along the lines of, “Kate took charge at a birthday party and told all the kids how to use the piñata!” Wow – that’s pretty awful. She does sound like a monster.


Now, I won’t pretend to know the extent of her and Jon’s marital problems or the lifestyle chaos they’ve created by appearing on a reality TV show each week, but I will say that if a camera crew followed me around each day, I might show a few monster moments from time to time. Wouldn’t you?


I’ve thought since my children entered toddlerhood that motherhood can bring out the very best and very worst in me. I discover hidden abilities to say and do the sweetest things for my children. And I also uncover a shrill octave for ordering and threatening that horrifies me.


I know for sure that any mom with a camera crew on her back is sure to show the depths of momsterdom to the world. Those of us who’ve been there in some form or another may love to peek in from the peanut gallery. And wish we could always do better.

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